jkcraven / History of Atsugi R&D

NameHistory of Atsugi R&D

NTT Atsugi R&D Center is located at a research and academic area called "Morinosato" in the western part of Atsugi City, and has a commanding view over Tanzawa Oyama Semi-national Park.

As its name implies, Morinosato or "homes with forests" is surrounded by a rich natural environment and is home to many universities and corporate laboratories, which undertake leading-edge research.

In the Exhibition Hall about 50 of the latest achievements of the R&D undertaken at this Center will be introduced. There is also a zone where visitors can enjoy experiencing some of the achievements, and a zone where, using a touch panel, they can search for and browse information about the research results, history, achievements, awards, etc. of Science and Core Technology Laboratory Group.



General history of NTT R&D: https://www.rd.ntt/e/about/chronicle/


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